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πŸ“’ Developer style guide for Testimonial

Testimonials are Written recommendations from users and are often seen in a separated section of a web page.Generally, a testimonial contains the user’s name, picture, his/her identity(optional) and most importantly his/her quoted text.


General must known design system guideline :

Border-radius :

Border radius of each card is rounded-2xl

Hover Color

For one of different design of this same component the hover color of buttton is:-
hover:bg-blue-700 for Blue theme Button,
hover:bg-slate-800 for Dark theme Button, and
hover:bg-slate-200 for White theme Button


-Image overlay color with opacity in same feature bg-gray-800/50

Paddings :

The padding could be variable depending on the card sizes and UI requirements but normally it is p-6

Font :

headingNormal textsub textbadge type
sizetext-2xltext-lgtext-smtext-sm / text-md
font-weightsemi-boldsemibold / normalnormalnormal

Color :

Background Colorbg-slate-900bg-whitebg-white
text colortext-whitetext-blue-600/text-slate-900text-slate-900

Icon guidelines:

Mostly all the icons are taken from β†’ Hero Icons (opens in a new tab)

Icon-text-gap : We follow a convention of equal margin between the text and the icon as padding in y axis py. and always the margin is given from the side of icon.

Smallw-4 & h-4Hero Icons mini
Mediumw-5 & h-5Hero Icons mini
Largew-6 & h-6Hero Icons filled

Example of Testimonials component πŸ‘‡

Want to see this Avatar in action? Try copy pasting this code in Tailwind Playground (opens in a new tab). πŸ’₯

<div class="bg-white w-fit rounded-2xl flex gap-6 px-6 py-8">
<img src="" alt="cover2123" class="h-20"/>
<div class=" flex items-center justify-center">
    <h2 class="text-black text-2xl font-bold">Regina Miss</h1>
    <h3 class="text-gray-900 text-base mt-1 font-bold">Designer</h2>
    <p class="text-gray-900 text-sm font-normal py-2 w-96">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
    <div class="flex gap-x-2 mt-2">
              <svg class="w-4 h-4  stroke-black stroke-2" xmlns=""
                  fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" className="w-6 h-6">
                                  <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round"
                      d="M11.48 3.499a.562.562 0 011.04 0l2.125 5.111a.563.563 0 00.475.345l5.518.442c.499.04.701.663.321.988l-4.204 3.602a.563.563 0 00-.182.557l1.285 5.385a.562.562 0 01-.84.61l-4.725-2.885a.563.563 0 00-.586 0L6.982 20.54a.562.562 0 01-.84-.61l1.285-5.386a.562.562 0 00-.182-.557l-4.204-3.602a.563.563 0 01.321-.988l5.518-.442a.563.563 0 00.475-.345L11.48 3.5z" fill="black" />
              <svg class="w-4 h-4 stroke-black stroke-2" xmlns=""
                  fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" className="w-6 h-6">
                  <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round"
                      d="M11.48 3.499a.562.562 0 011.04 0l2.125 5.111a.563.563 0 00.475.345l5.518.442c.499.04.701.663.321.988l-4.204 3.602a.563.563 0 00-.182.557l1.285 5.385a.562.562 0 01-.84.61l-4.725-2.885a.563.563 0 00-.586 0L6.982 20.54a.562.562 0 01-.84-.61l1.285-5.386a.562.562 0 00-.182-.557l-4.204-3.602a.563.563 0 01.321-.988l5.518-.442a.563.563 0 00.475-.345L11.48 3.5z" fill="black"/>
              <svg class="w-4 h-4 stroke-black stroke-2" xmlns=""
                  fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" className="w-6 h-6">
                  <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round"
                      d="M11.48 3.499a.562.562 0 011.04 0l2.125 5.111a.563.563 0 00.475.345l5.518.442c.499.04.701.663.321.988l-4.204 3.602a.563.563 0 00-.182.557l1.285 5.385a.562.562 0 01-.84.61l-4.725-2.885a.563.563 0 00-.586 0L6.982 20.54a.562.562 0 01-.84-.61l1.285-5.386a.562.562 0 00-.182-.557l-4.204-3.602a.563.563 0 01.321-.988l5.518-.442a.563.563 0 00.475-.345L11.48 3.5z" fill="black"/>
              <svg class="w-4 h-4 stroke-black stroke-2" xmlns=""
                  fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" className="w-6 h-6">
                  <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round"
                      d="M11.48 3.499a.562.562 0 011.04 0l2.125 5.111a.563.563 0 00.475.345l5.518.442c.499.04.701.663.321.988l-4.204 3.602a.563.563 0 00-.182.557l1.285 5.385a.562.562 0 01-.84.61l-4.725-2.885a.563.563 0 00-.586 0L6.982 20.54a.562.562 0 01-.84-.61l1.285-5.386a.562.562 0 00-.182-.557l-4.204-3.602a.563.563 0 01.321-.988l5.518-.442a.563.563 0 00.475-.345L11.48 3.5z" fill="black"/>
              <svg class="w-4 h-4 stroke-black stroke-2" xmlns="" fill="none"
                  viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" className="w-6 h-6">
                  <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round"
                      d="M11.48 3.499a.562.562 0 011.04 0l2.125 5.111a.563.563 0 00.475.345l5.518.442c.499.04.701.663.321.988l-4.204 3.602a.563.563 0 00-.182.557l1.285 5.385a.562.562 0 01-.84.61l-4.725-2.885a.563.563 0 00-.586 0L6.982 20.54a.562.562 0 01-.84-.61l1.285-5.386a.562.562 0 00-.182-.557l-4.204-3.602a.563.563 0 01.321-.988l5.518-.442a.563.563 0 00.475-.345L11.48 3.5z" />

Having some problem ? πŸ˜•

If you still have a problem understanding this please join our discord server (opens in a new tab) to get help.