π Product Card Design System
Product card component is one of the important key component for web-pages as you desging the you website or for any firm the only moto is to give services or product to the coustomer. How will give info regarding product as here product card component comes in picture.
Product card contains pics of product and descripiton of product (Name,Prize,Rating) in very attractive GUI manner. Very common example that we can refer is from all e-commerce site about their product description.
According to the Product description of product also get changed.
General convention to follow :
Border-radius :
Border radius of each card is rounded-2xl
Hover Color
For one of different design of this same component the hover color of buttton is:-
for Blue theme Button,
for Dark theme Button, and
for White theme Button
-Image overlay color with opacity in same feature bg-gray-800/50
Paddings :
The padding could be variable depending on the card sizes and UI requirements but normally it is p-6
Font :
heading | Normal text | sub text | badge type | |
size | text-2xl | text-lg | text-sm | text-sm / text-md |
font-weight | semi-bold | semibold / normal | normal | normal |
Color :
Dark | Blue | White | |
Background Color | bg-slate-900 | bg-white | bg-white |
text color | text-white | text-blue-600/text-slate-900 | text-slate-900 |
Width & heights :
The width of the component totally depends on the design.
The height of the components depends on the amount of content on it. We need to make it auto. Giving a fixed height is not recommended at all.
Buttons :
We need to use the already built buttons for this. Buttons (opens in a new tab) π . But if you want to coustomise it the feel free to go according to your convenience.
Star Ratings :
We need to use the already built ratings for this. Ratings (opens in a new tab) π . But if you want to coustomise it the feel free to go according to your convenience.
Icons :
Icons must be used from Heroicons (opens in a new tab)
Note : You need to use a solid 24X24 SVG form heroicons.
Add to Favourite
For this we will use button given below.
<button class="absolute top-0 right-0 group border-[#fff] rounded-full p-[5px] m-1 bg-[#fff]">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#E74040" class="w-4 h-4 group-hover:fill-[#E74040] group-focus:fill-[#E74040] ">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M21 8.25c0-2.485-2.099-4.5-4.688-4.5-1.935 0-3.597 1.126-4.312 2.733-.715-1.607-2.377-2.733-4.313-2.733C5.1 3.75 3 5.765 3 8.25c0 7.22 9 12 9 12s9-4.78 9-12z" />
Example Code :
This is the example code of the Product Cards/src/product-card-1.html
<div class="relative m-3 w-fit rounded-[15px] bg-white md:pr-10">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[30px] md:flex-row">
<div class="relative h-[202px] w-[278px] rounded-t-[15px] bg-[url('https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/78757405/196051909-675a2126-2d54-49cc-9bb7-81cae7902046.png')] md:rounded-l-[15px] md:rounded-r-none">
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-36">
<div class="mx-auto w-fit cursor-pointer rounded-full p-3"></div>
<div class="ml-4 flex flex-col space-y-[8px] md:ml-0">
<span class="flex items-center text-center text-[24px] font-semibold leading-[32px] tracking-[0.1px] text-black md:mt-[25px]">Floating Phone</span>
<span class="text-[14px] font-semibold leading-none tracking-[0.2px] text-black md:h-[17px] md:w-[240px]">By <span class="text-black">Jane Cooper</span> in Tech , Products</span>
<div class="flex gap-4 md:flex-col md:gap-2 lg:flex-row lg:gap-4">
<div class="flex flex-row">
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="star" class="mr-3 mt-7 h-[18.35px] w-[18.34px] text-[#E77C40] md:mt-3" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M259.3 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0z"></path>
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M259.3 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0z"></path>
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<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="star" class="mr-3 mt-7 h-[18.35px] w-[18.34px] text-[#E77C40] md:mt-3" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M259.3 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0z"></path>
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<path fill="currentColor" d="M528.1 171.5L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6zM388.6 312.3l23.7 138.4L288 385.4l-124.3 65.3 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126 62.2 126 139 20.2-100.6 98z"></path>
<span class="font-['DM Sans'] absolute mt-2 text-[14px] font-semibold leading-[15px] tracking-[0.2x] text-black md:ml-[170px] md:mt-[14px]">10 Reviews</span>
<div class="flex gap-[5px]">
<a href="#" class="absolute mt-1.5 flex h-[13.99px] w-[14.9px] items-center md:mt-[25.01px]">
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<div class="font-['Nunito Sans'] ml-6 text-[14px] font-semibold leading-[24px] tracking-[0.2px] text-black md:ml-[28px] md:mt-[20.01px]">15 Sales</div>
<div class="mb-5 ml-[3.5rem] flex flex-col gap-[15px] md:ml-0 md:flex-col md:gap-[68px]">
<div class="font-['Nunito Sans'] flex flex-col items-baseline gap-[2px] md:ml-20 md:mt-8 md:items-end">
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<div class="flex items-center justify-between md:ml-10 md:h-10 md:w-[140px]">
<button class="flex h-[44px] w-[160px] items-center justify-center rounded-md bg-black text-sm font-medium text-white hover:bg-gray-800">View full</button>
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