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The Open-source UI library
You always wanted

The next gen UI made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. It's compatible with simple HTML, CSS static website or a React, Vue, Angular or Next.js Complex app. Zero JS and no plugins installed.

SeamLess UI in all frameworks

HTML5 LogoReactJS LogoNextJS LogoSvelteJS LogoVueJS Logo

The best UI ever built

The next gen UI made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. It's compatible with simple HTML, CSS static website or a React, Vue, Angular or Next.js Complex app.Zero JS and no-plugins installed.

What is web 3?

Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.

Lacking time?

We got you covered.

built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts! built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts!

SeamLess UI Figma

Built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts!

built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts!built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts!

SeamLess UI Figma

All of these seems interesting?

SeamLess UI

built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts!

Meet the maintainers

All of this possible because of them ❤️

A Product by ClueLess

Built with the vision to encourage open-source enthusiasts! We provide the best resources, conducts weekly contests to test your skills, a guide to Open-source, and help you build projects.

Copyright 2023 by ClueLess